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Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy is a non destructive examination that uses an infrared microscope to evaluate absorption bands in a molecular structure. This enables polymers such as Teflon, Nylon, polyethylene and polypropylene to be identified as well as  molecular radicals such as acetates. In addition, deterioration from thermal or chemical exposure can also be determined.

Typical infrared scan for pure polystyrene (PS), which is pH-neutral and free of chemical additives.

Typical infrared scan for pure polystyrene (PS), which is pH-neutral and free of chemical additives
This infrared scan revealed that contamination on the polystyrene surface was an unstable acetate, with showed indications of

This infrared scan revealed that contamination on the polystyrene surface was an unstable acetate, with showed indications of thermal decomposition.

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